
moving day

we are moving to emeryville today.  God has flipped a switch in my <3 to have ears to hear again.  more on that when we get settled.  but here's what i'm thinking about today:

This is what is meant by “The king cometh.” You do not seek him, but he seeks you. You do not find Him, he finds you. For the preachers come from him, not from you; their sermons come from him, not from you; your faith comes from him, not from you; everything that faith works in you comes from him, not from you; and where he does not come, you remain outside; and where there is no Gospel, there is no God, but only sin and damnation. Therefore you should not ask, where to begin to be godly; there is no beginning, except where the king enters and is proclaimed.
-martin luther

1 comment:

Mary Kay Martin said...

This is AWESOME. I love this quote!