10 points to gryffindor if you can find freddy.
last night i planned a fun dinner - chipotle chicken tostadas. i put froz chx in the crockpot and when i got home and checked on it, it had dwindled to less than 1 serving...
so... how about black bean chipotle tostadas. i put the beans on to simmer and then forgot about them and LEFT THE HOUSE to take freddy to watch jared play ultimate. was there enough water? no. they were scorched when we got home. possibly ruined my beautiful green dutch oven, pictured above, still on the stove.
jared went to tjs and got us some SCRUMPTIOUS mini pizzas. they kind of looked like tostadas...
(AND he got me a beautiful orange lily plant!! he doesn't often get me flowers = SPECIAL. you can sort of see it in the center of the photo, right behind the tjs bag)
today freddy had a short morning nap. when he woke up i was still copying out my lists for the day (..."do dishes"...). he can't stay out of the dishwasher to save his life so i guess the dishes have to wait. oh i'm so sad about that.
so we are just biding our time (our fun times), sharing some peas since he wouldn't eat the "tostada" (quesadilla) or the blueberry-kale smoothie i made for him.
more "where's freddy" pictures pleeeease:)
did you save your green pot?
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