
on the nightstand | the borrowers

just a quick on the nightstand post to say that when i reread the borrowers months ago, i suddenly freaked b/c instead of identifying with the main character, 14 yr old Arrietty, I WAS IDENTIFYING W/ HER MOTHER, the anxious, bitchy and materialistic Homily.

is juvenile fiction lost to me now??  all the best books (boxcar children, anne of green, series of unfortunate events) star orphans, and that makes me sad about freddy so i can't handle it!

aha!!  i can pretend to be Ma Ingalls in the Little House books.  except i've never been demure, courageous or hard-working a day in my life!  i can aspire to her.

1 comment:

Priya said...

Ohh Jessee, sorry to hear about your mid-life character association crisis. But good news, I've awarded to the Liebster award! Check out my blog for the details :)

perfectly priya