readers, i want you all to become libertarians. it is easier for me to evangelize for ron paul than it is for me to open my mouth on behalf of my lord + savior.
i think it's b/c ron paul's doctrine is hitting me all at once (and b/c i am manic in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy!) rather than being something i have taken for granted all my life b/c i'm blessed to have great Christian parents.
i must urgently recommend ron paul's book liberty defined. 50 very short and easy to read chapters explaining his position on issues from abortion to foreign policy to congress to gun control to the economy. AND IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE. i would sum it up as...
we have moved far far away from the constitution to a welfare/warfare state that has taken away a ton of personal liberty from people, in exchange for promising to provide prosperity and security, which no government can provide.
i understand liberal people who believe that the american government should help people at home and abroad (although ron paul has convinced me that the government cannot actually help anyone). but conservatives really need to search their <3s about where our cherished principles have led us -- ie, into huge government. we are just spending and interfering on opposite issues from democrats.
amazing stunners:
democracy means the majority can (and does) strip rights from minorities. we should be lauding our republic, not our democracy.
government has nothing to give to anyone. anything the government gives to someone, it has forcibly taken from someone else.
FDR was the one who started with the fear-mongering and the promise that "the government can take care of you" both in terms of warfare (WWII) and welfare (the Depression). Both conservatives (warfare) and democrats (welfare) have just run wild with government expansion from then to now. i feel like such a renegade to think a bad thought about FDR but he totally changed our government and it has not stopped expanding since.
small government, personal liberty. this is also helping me in my interpersonal relationships. i don't approve of my sister's dating habits? well, she has personal liberty. i can attempt to persuade her but i cannot govern her. jared won't jump through my hoops anymore to make me feel good about myself? he (government) cannot provide the well-being i seek. pursuit of happiness is my responsibility and right and i have the personal liberty to pursue it.
ALSO, saddam hussein was our biggest ally in the middle east during the cold war (did you know this?!). then the u.s. ambassador gave him the go-ahead to invade kuwait and then suddenly--gulf war.
then we executed him? did you know this?
This made me laugh SO MUCH. And actually, the democracy v. republic thing did kind of blow my mind. And the Saddam Hussien thing...really?!
Even better, I read this aloud to Matt and he said, "Oh man, can you send that to me, I need to send it to Jared." And I said, "...Jesse wrote that."
the idea of matt wanting to send this to jared of all people makes me feel like i have MAGICALLY ARRIVED!!
reading books for learning instead of for escape is really quite life-giving!!
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