"My dearest sister, now be, be serious. I want to talk very seriously. Will you tell me how long you have loved him?"
"It has been coming on so gradually that I hardly know when it began; but I believe I must date it from my first seeing his beautiful grounds at Pemberley."
this is how i feel about my abrupt change of <3 toward God -- is it really just because He has given us a beautiful home IN THE BAY AREA, and a real, paying job that jared loves? no... but something has lifted!!
suddenly i read about Him as a parent and i find it beautiful instead of unbelievable:
I thought about this a short time ago when I was considering how God
feels about us, how He feels about me, and how He feels about all of His
children. I often go through life thinking that God is generally
displeased with me. I see my sin, I see my failings, and I see my heart.
At the same time, I see from Scripture God’s majesty, His holiness, and
His perfection. When I put these together, I believe that God must be
looking at me with at least some level of disgust.
He must regard me as I regard myself so much of the time — as a
person who may try to do what’s right but as a person who so often fails
when it comes to holiness. Though I do love Him, and truly I do, I
still have some love for sin. There is still some of the traitor in me. I
pledge allegiance to Him but too often prove allegiance to myself. What
could there be for Him to love here?
I’ve had this all wrong. As I study God’s Word day by day in the
quiet of my home and week by week in my local church, and as I learn
about who God is, I see that He is a proud Father who is lavish with His
love. Maybe it was my studies in the parable of the prodigal son. Maybe
it was my reading through the prophets, seeing how God hates sin but
remains committed to His people. Maybe it was reading Hebrews 11, the
Hall of Heroes, and seeing all of those great saints commended instead
of condemned. Somehow along the way, I began to see that God hates my
sin and commands me to mortify it, but that He loves me. God despises
the evil that lurks within me but is extravagant in His grace. He
actually, really, truly loves me. He doesn’t love me for who He wishes I
could be but for who I am in Christ.
Maybe in that way God isn’t so different from the proud parents I see
at conferences. Maybe in that way they are a reflection of their
Creator. He loves us. He loves me. More than that, He’s proud of me. He
isn’t petty, filling His mind with all those things I’ve done wrong, but
rather He is gracious, seeing all those evidences of His grace in my
life. Somehow I had lost sight of the fact that God truly does regard me
as a child, His child, a child He not only loves but one He genuinely
likes. And there’s a difference between the two, isn’t there? (Tim Challies, Ligonier Ministries)
And on the topic of God LIKING me(!):
"Remember always that he really likes the little vermin, and sets an absurd value on the distinctiveness of everyone of them." (CS Lewis, Screwtape Letters)
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