

oops.  right after i launched this series, i realized i'm not actually that into Lent this year.

i'm on a barely perceptible upswing, able to praise and thank for the first time in quite some time, so i just don't want to LAMENT.

lament?  no thank you, when i can finally offer some feeble praise.

is that wrong?  that might be wrong.

but i think there are other aspects to lent that i can lean into.  i do want to make space for Him.  i do want to show Him honor.

joel 2 talks about the congregation.

consecrate the congregation.
gather the children,
even infants at the breast.

somehow to me that has come to mean my little family.  i know it's more than that and i shouldn't suppress the outward call, but this is my starting place, where it is sweet.

i'm always telling myself, won't it be fun when freddy is older and you can sing spiritual songs + hymns together, you can read the Bible and Jesus Calling For Kids together?  but i must consecrate the congregation NOW.  even infants at the breast.

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