

my besty came up to spend her spring break at my house.  it was a good and perfect gift.  

day 1= a run on the bay + a picnic

someone was a sick fellow but a very good sport.


day 2= DOWNTON ABBEY + a quick target run

i sent this pic to jared at work to show him how our day was going.  we stayed in our jams and watched the entire first season.  just lovely.  

i still haven't decided what i think about downton.  i really enjoy the superiority of not buying into whatever is acclaimed...  but i did enjoy it very much...  but it IS a soap opera for the overly-educated...

target.  the days are gone (ok, the days never were) when i could (would) wear this.  
but i like!


day 3 = the san pablo flea

all the yelp reviews of this place said a) it was sketchy + terrifying but b) the owner was the nicest guy in the world and c) there are ah mazing finds.   i paid $2 each for 3 enormous books (for classroom use) for fred.  tif got a gorgeous 30x30 mustard + aquamarine painting for $10!!!!!!!!!  soooo jeally.

this hutch/ secretary.  bad pic.  MUST have.  the guy offered $125.  please jared!!  

scrumptious olive chairs.

inspiration!  mirror as a tray for drinks on an upholstered ottoman.  


day 4 = date night.  yummy mexican + the secret world of arrietty

tif doesn't like this one.  

no one likes this one.  

i don't like this one.  

we LOVED the secret world of arrietty.  we were almost the only ones in the theater.  we both read + watched the Borrowers movies as girls and i love everything Studio Ghibli.  the soundtrack was luscious with heavy rain, heavy footsteps, loud human being clothing swishing... the music was a japanese/ celtic cornucopia of majesty (the pop song during the credits was the story of my little sister's life...  "summer love, with my best friend"...).

basic premise of the movie so you can enjoy the funniest joke in the world:

the borrowers are little people who live in secret in our houses.  a sick boy goes to the country and meets a young borrower named arrietty.  at one point he is running, carrying her on his shoulder, and he seems to be regaining strength.  

jesse: i thought he had a weak <3, why is he running all around town?
tif: it's a colin.  it's a classic colin.  


get it?!  colin from the secret garden?!  he wasn't sick at all he just needed to go outside and get a girlfriend!

then at the end of the movie he is running through the night to find arrietty and he starts feeling weak and clutching his heart.  

tif: i was wrong!  it's a beth!  it's a beth! oh no!


get it?!  beth from little women?!  
i won't tell you whether the secret world of arrietty was a colin or a beth.  go see it.  read all the books.  and buy the soundtrack.  

i love tiffany.  


JenaeM said...

Well, I totally just suggested that we watch that film without knowing that it is the story of my life.

Jesse said...

based on our conversation yesterday, i may revise that statement, haha. i'll let you be the judge.