
hunger games/ holy week fast

jared and i are doing a terrible fast.  they told us to fast from the pulpit at our new church!  zing!  it's a global hunger fast and we are basically eating plain oatmeal for breakfast, and rice and beans for lunch and dinner.  i also eat a hardboiled egg and a million clementines for the sake of my milk and because i need snacks to live.  we are not giving up coffee.
i was aghast the first day.  i couldn't stand it.  i just gasped out the word "treats" over and over.
my intention was to make room for jesus to draw near emotionally to me in my misery...  i don't think i made room.  instead i learned that i stuff my spirit's face w/ a) internet, b) food, and if i can't have internet or food, c) shopping.
so what now?  i can fast all i want but i need the expulsive power of a greater affection (READ THIS ARTICLE) or i will remain excruciatingly ravenous.
how can i get a new affection for Him?  i can only ask.


jared and i saw the hunger games this week (and broke our fast to have treats; they did not satisfy!!).  must confess i haven't read the books yet, but enjoyed the movie very much.  we both thought the way the games ended was a little cheesy, but what ending wouldn't have been cheesy?  it would have had to be a stroke of amazing genius to think of a way.

all through the movie i was marveling at the author's skill in helping us suspend our disbelief and enter into this world that seems outrageous.  i mean, i'm all about depravity, i know humanity is capable of terrible things, but we were able to enter in w/ no glitch.  is it because in that early scene, gale and katniss can't believe this is happening either?  i don't know.

i asked jared what he thought, expecting him to maybe not like it because it was so... young adult.  he said, "it had 2 things i really don't like in it.  1) i can't watch this kind of thing the same way anymore because of freddy.  2) i felt like we as the audience watching the hunger games are no better than those future people in the audience watching the hunger games."

wow.  i personally had forgotten about our child except to sometimes enjoy the loud audio w/o worrying it would wake him.  and i forgot to morally evaluate a thing.  it's fun to be married to jared.  he is very thoughtful.

click through for a SPOILER ALERT that spoiled the movie a little for me (although it's not the climax):

Funny Animal Gifs - Animal Gifs: Catniss in the Hunger Games
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