i write with tears in my eyes: sleep training is like the fall of man. my fritzy is a sadder, wiser baby. (his <3 is broken and he's lost all capacity to love and will to live abandoned and betrayed all alone in the world...) i have reached like 17 meals a day stress eating in preparation for a little cry it out which began last night.
it is high time however. i spend ungodly amounts of time each day shushing freddy and strenuously bouncing fritzy to get him to sleep. and evenings are a joke. elaborate rocking/ bouncing routine, he wakes up 20 mins later, elaborate routine, wakes 20 mins later, i give up and bring him down to sleep in my arms while JB and i finish our CSI episode (or 3) and then go to bed w/ fritzy at like 930.
our last 2 (our only 2) dates we have had to rush home because he won't take a bottle/ can't sleep.
i'm not trying to get into a fight here but i see with fritzy what ferber says -- how can fritzy trust me when i sneak off every time i put him to sleep?! he has to wake up and check that i'm still with him (in fact he has a terrible trick of spitting out his binky just as i am gingerly putting him in his swing, and that wakes him up. i'm sure it's a trick to keep me near). so anyways, baby should have no "responsibilities" if he wakes, nothing to check or worry about, just be free and able to go back to sleep.
writing this just helps me have courage and confidence.
this is right about when my period came back after freddy was born.
the moving truck is coming today to pack up my parents apartment.
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