
working my closet

been trying to work my closet lately.  saw this on lisa leonard:

thought, i have this top!  

i love it (target) but the waist makes me look terrible.  so i put on a lovely wool sweater of my dad's that my mom shrunk in the wash and then gave to me.

i see that i need to tighten my bra straps (inapprop)


w/ target boots and target black skinnies.  

don't you love how skinny legs can be from this angle!!


Priya said...

nice jesse! it looks just like lisa!

Priya said...

p.s. i really like the design of your blog! did you make it yourself? love the drawing of the girl, ha!

Jesse said...

priya you're the best! yes i did the blog design myself and i'm overly proud of it haha :)

now i'm reading your blog and i love it! so cheery.