

to be idle requires a strong sense of personal identity 
-robert louis stevenson

here i am.  i took a blogging pause to recover from some constructive criticism from jarebear about being lazy.  : (  pretty hard to handle.  especially after this post where i was all, oh, i've arrived, i don't have to do housework anymore (i do still think the mini-incarnation is cool).  so i was embarrassed and hid.  but i have rallied.  now i make sure jared has clean underwear AND i try to clean the kitchen too. done and done.

so maybe i've learned not to post regrettably dramatic turning-over-a-radical-new-leaf posts.  but i do like writing, so i'm going to keep writing.

get excited for my soon to come posts on weaning, the clintons and libertarianism.


Priya said...

Jessie! I can barely relate to what you write (ok, does that sound mean? I meant the mommy parts. Emotions, reading, etc. I can totally relate) but I love reading it all anyway. Looking forward to these promised posts!!

perfectly priya

Jesse said...

haha, i try to make my stories funny enough that you can at least laugh while trying to relate!! you are sweet : )

Laura said...

hear! hear! for idleness!