

today i am LOVING being pregnant:  

1.  Jared spoils the crap out of me:  helps me work out, doesn't care that i get back in bed after working out, makes me hot chocolate (the kind with milk in a saucepan on the stove!  oh the excess!) in bed, makes me an egg and lil smokies for breakfast (although i do have to come to the table to eat). 
1a.  lil smokies
2.  i love my maternity jeans (gap skinny jeans).  i may never go back to zippers and buttons. 
3.  my belly button is getting tight!  am i going to have an outie?! (my belly button is not currently very presentable.  kind of dingy in there). 
4.  i have a fun place to go in my mind at any time--at work or in traffic: nursery!  nesting!  registry! 
5.  what i'm loving most--little baby freddy splashes and dives and pops and locks in my tummy.   he's a handful. 

and i'm practicing thanking Someone for all this.  are (lowercase) someone's hormones finally swinging?  maybe!!!! 


Jesse said...

yeah... i was manic yesterday. went christmas shopping until 10pm and spent almost 300. not all of it on others.

Anonymous said...

Hee. I'm loving the image of Freddy splashing around in there. It's odd, and freaky, and adorable all at the same time.

Elle said...

1. Christmas shopping practically requires you to buy something for yourself.

2. I'm picturing this tiny little cartoon kid jumping off an imaginary diving board.

3. Fetal movements were so attention-grabbing in the beginning, then by the end I hardly noticed them and I had to really focus when I was counting kicks. Then when I wasn't pregnant anymore, I'd feel something move around and have to remind myself that it wasn't a baby anymore, and I should probably start paying attention to my body again.

4. I felt the exact same way about maternity pants while pregnant. They are awesome.