
organized crime week at jj&f

this week has organically developed into "organized crime week" at our house.

1st we watched johnny dangerously, which was funny and very enjoyable.  recommend.

then last night i saw the godfather for the first time, which was also very enjoyable!  i had mentally filed the movie as a likable but not artistic action movie, so i was in for a treat.  i will not presume to recommend this movie since everyone already respects it properly. 

tonight i hope to introduce jared to the producers --  i saw this in theaters with my brother jt, and for some reason i thought it was an organized crime movie.  in fact it is a musical, a comedy about the worst musical of all time about HITLER*. because of the shock it was one of my most enjoyable theater experiences (comparable to becoming jane and snakes on a plane).  i love nothing more than excess (peter jackson's king kong anyone?!).  it's available on netflix instant queue because it's not very good.  RECOMMEND!**  hopefully we will watch it tonight!

*: this movie also has the most beautiful person in the world in it -- i believe the song is "keep it gay" and he is the one with the turban and the orange tan (see what i mean about over the top).  FORMER most beautiful person in the world since freddy has been born.

**as of 6/18/2011 when we watched it, i no longer recommend this movie.  less sensational and more lewd than i remembered. 

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