
home rejoicing

freddy and i are having a dozy day.  freddy wants to be eating and sleeping frequently (and i want to be laying down because tmi, my hemorrhoids hurt again all of a sudden).
so i'm reading blogs, and discovering a handful of new ones. 
on this blog, she recommends the book of common prayer for devotionals, so freddy and i read it together. 

the second to last line for today's reading says
"may He bring you home rejoicing: at the wonders He has shown you"
and i love that.  i love it for freddy as he grows up, i love it for jared at work everyday, and i love it for me with my unbelief. 

may He bring you home rejoicing: at the wonders He has shown you.  AMEN.


Amstr said...

Hemorrhoid tip from my doula: grate some potato, put it in the fridge for a couple hours, then use it as a compress in the affected area. Evidently the nightshade family of veggies does wonders for swelling.

Mary Kay Martin said...

Thanks for the blessing!